Sunday, May 6, 2007

Sunday -- a good day of rest and rejuvenation

May 6 - in the outdoor shopping mall (just before Darren was told to stop taking pictures - guess by whom!)

May 5th visit with Ivanna (amazingly happy considering she can't breathe well!)

We've got the stroller - we just need our girl...

Who do you think picked which shoes?

Saturday May 5 - on the train (and it wasn't really busy - Shona had a seat!)

Happy Birthday Dad! (Neil) We hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy the shawarma Jonathan is going to make. We wish we could be there to celebrate you with the family.

It is Sunday, at 2:54 here and we have just returned from church and shopping. After a GREAT sleep for me last night (I had to make up for being awake between 1 and 5 AM the night before), we woke up early-ish (either the light or my internal alarm clock seems to always wake me up around 7), and did some yoga. Then we got ready to go and headed to church. We went back to the Kiev International Bible Church. It was good to go worship and give thanks for everything that has gone on here. The more I talk to other adopting couples, the more I am so grateful for our daughter and how our process of adopting her is going/has gone. We are feeling very blessed. The music was good and we sang a song that was new to us, but quite moving and beautiful called “Still”. We’ll have to see if we can find it somewhere (or maybe Jonathan can find it???). The last line of the chorus is ‘I will be still and know that you are God’.
Anyway, after church we went to get lunch – you guessed it –shawarma (same guy as last week Jonathan). They were good (not as good as our regular guy, but still pretty yummy) – this guy puts in French fries in addition to the meat, cabbage and flatbread – very filling. Darren did well with my leftovers that I couldn’t finish though! It turns out the shopping centre Lesya told us about is at the same Metro station as the church – that was convenient! We wandered over to the other side of metro station (where the shopping center is) and wow! It’s incredible. Not only is there a 4 storey department store but outside there is stall after stall after stall of absolutely everything one could need or want for children of ANY age (Jenn Janzen – I can just see you going nuts! :) It was a bit overwhelming for us (never having shopped in a centre like that for OUR child yet.) Some stalls had strollers, others had clothes for baby girls or boys, others had shoes, others had toys….and on and on! We started by focusing on the stroller sellers (as that was our main focus of the day) – even that was overwhelming (there was probably at least 10 different places to look – not counting the department store) and who knew that there were that many different kinds of strollers out there? Lesya was certainly right about the range in costs. There were strollers ranging from cheap umbrella’s to high-end Quinny running strollers (they also had matching doll strollers – crazy!). We settled for something in the middle that should serve us well on the walks while we are here, on the journey home and when we get there (something a little smaller for when we don’t want to use our big jogger/bike trailer). Darren (as per his custom when making bigger purchases), is now second-guessing our purchase (D – I could have used a bit more time to compare… you know, it’s a bit of a sickness), but I am thrilled with it. We also bought our dear girl a couple of pair of shoes. I was quite happy to just get one pair (trying to be reasonable and all), but her Daddy fell in love with the second pair and couldn’t resist (rather unusual for him!!). I’m sure you can tell which ones he picked out (they should be great for Fall). We also spent a bit of time it the department store and picked up a couple of toys for her (for when we have her here with us) – a shape sorter that is also an elephant bucket (she likes to fill a bucket in the playroom with stuff) and some stacking cups. Nothing major and we intend to stop buying stuff now (other than some minor things like sock/tights and maybe a hat). We have heard there might be an outfit or two, and maybe a toy or two for Ivanna when we get home – so I think we’ll stop for now! We had a little sweet snack of fresh éclairs (YUMMY!!!), then headed home. It was a little crazy taking the stroller home on the Metro, but we managed fine (really all in all – we made it to and from church on the Metro – getting off at the right places and not getting lost – we’re feeling pretty good about that) and only got a couple of funny looks as we walked home with an empty stroller (mostly from younger children who were looking for the kid who was supposed to be in there). Darren is now lying down for a nap. We are going to see ‘The Nutcracker’ ballet tonight – that will be quite a treat (for only $10 each!!!!). We plan to stop for coffee/dessert at Mario’s or somewhere where the wi-fi connection works on our way home to post this – if we remember the computer this time!
Paka for now.

P.S. We are sitting in Chokoladnitsa waiting for our cocoa and dessert after the ballet which was absolutely incredible. Thank you, thank you, thank you Jonathan! Our seats were excellent and the acoustics on the ground floor amazing . It may be the last time I get Darren to a ballet (although he did enjoy it too) but for me, it was truly MAGICAL!!! It has been a good day with a fantastic end.


Grandpa Steve said...

Wow! what a varied and wonderful adventure.

It is so exciting to hear how things are progressing.

God is so good!

Linda Hilderman said...

Hi Darren and Shona... we feel like we are getting to know your little girl through reading your blogs. It is the first thing I check each morning... it is wonderful to see the obvious bonding that is happening and the joy on each of your faces. She is both blessed and a blessing. Our love and prayers are with you. Maurice and Linda Hilderman

Jen said...

Just back from Edmonton and multiple internetless days and was feeling out of the loop. I am excited to hear that your questions about process are being answered and that the legalities of things will hopefully come together soon. I am very thrilled to have the chance to watch your relationship with Ivanna grow. You three seem closer every photo I see and it warms my heart. I hope you can get home soon!
Love, Jen

Sam and Evelyn said...

Who's idea was this guessing game anyway??? Glad to see you are having some fun apart from your regular trips to see Ivanna. I thought the photo of Shona and Ivanna today was particularly good of both of you. Also enjoyed your account of getting onto the metro with the stroller. I presume that it is one that folds. However, I understant the difficulties, as it takes me several tries to get the little one we have here for kids to collapse. Hope the colds are all on the mend, and that you get to know your court date for sure tomorrow. You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers.
With our Love and best wishes,

carrie church said...

How wonderful to hear how you are able to spend the hours in between your visits with your daughter. We are praying for your court date this week that the Lord will continue to bless your family. What a joy it is to read your entries each morning.

Tanis said...

Hey there,

We're just on our way home from Libby and Neil's and I thought I would leave a quick message.

The Shwarma were great today. We'll have to perfect them even more when you guys get back here.

Sam is , surprisingly, still up and not willing to be parted from his papa. Some things haven't changed. He'll be asleep by the end of their street (hopefully). He's been starting his days at 5:30 am for a couple of weeks now so its been a long day for him (and for us). I hope Ivanna starts her days a bit later when you are all back here. It'll be interesting for you guys to get more info on her daily schedule.

Well must go off to bed now. Love you three. Hope you have a lovely day today with your little girl.


kathryn said...

That is a beautiful picture of you Shona with Ivanna. You all look so perfectly matched for one another. Can't wait 'til you bring her home - or 6 weeks after that. We can wait...barely. Emily loved the shoes.
Take care, I sure hope Ivanna's feeling better soon (although she doesn't look very unhappy).
lots of love
the Burkes

Rochelle and Jim said...

Hello dear friends. I just love seeing your pictures! Following your journey along with you as it unfolds is incredible and really makes me feel connected. Jim's mom is staying with us and I've gotten her hooked on your blog. She asks to see the pictures each day and is so excited for you. With you as my inspiration Sho, we spent the entire weekend gardening...and I can hardly move today! We'll be praying for your court date this week. Love you all so very much.