Sunday, May 27, 2007

Last Sunday

Saturday was a very relaxing day. We slept in and headed out for a bit of shopping then came back to the apartment for a rest and cool-off time. We did not make it out to the ‘Kyiv Days’ festivities, but (and for this we are extremely thankful) the air conditioner was installed last evening. We had a great time basking in its cool breezy cool breeze (that’s for you Jason). It also meant a better sleep for both of us.
This morning, we called the Andrews (who arrived last night) and then headed over to their apartment to pick them up. We spent the first half of the day walking around the neighbourhood from grocery store to grocery store to grocery store. All the while, we greatly enjoyed conversing in English. It was just so easy. After picking up a few groceries and introducing them to shawarma, we headed back to their place to cool off and chat a bit more. Their place is very nice. I believe they are the first to occupy it since it was renovated. We’re so glad they got a place in our neighbourhood, and that they want to hang out a bit. As much as Shona and I love each other and genuinely enjoy being with each other, I think we’re ready to see and talk with more people. The Andrews seem very nice and are very easy to be with. Eventually, we figured they were probably ready for a bit of rest, so not wanting to have them sick of us within the first five hours (are we sounding a bit needy?), we took our leave.
We came back to our apartment briefly and then Shona headed out to pick up a few more things (she really is a gift-giver). I had a little rest (again enjoying the cool) and then went out in search a couple things myself. I was partly successful (I’m not always able to make the purchase). I’m now waiting for Shona to return and hoping it is soon, because the sky looks like we’ll be getting some rain soon.
Sho – well I’m back and very pleased. I found the things I was looking for (just a couple more souvenirs) and on my way back from the artisans area (which has the street blocked off and there were about 5X the people – both sellers and buyers as when Jonathan was here because of ‘Kyiv Days’ this weekend) I heard singing as I passed Shevchenko park (that has the statue of ‘Jesus’ according to Misha) so I stopped for a look. The park was full of people and a group dressed up in traditional costumes were singing on a stage. I bought some water and sat down for a wonderful 45 minutes of Ukrainian culture (singing and dancing – mostly younger people but I still really enjoyed it). I’m thrilled I happened by at that time (it doesn’t feel right to leave Ukraine without having seen some dancing – even though I can see it at home!). I made it home getting sprinkled by rain and now it is pouring out (good timing!).
We are going to introduce the Andrews to Mario’s for supper soon.


Melissa said...

I'm glad you had a nice last weekend. It's great that you can help "orientate" the new couple to the neighborhood. I'm sure they appreciate it a lot.

Gail said...

What a lovely turn of circumstance that you are able to pay Jonathan's kindnesses and wealth of information forward. The Andrews' will be so grateful for any wisdom which will make their jouney less frustrating than it would have been without your guidance. There's obviously a purpose to the overlap in your respective stays in Kyiv.

Enjoy your final few days in Ukraine and know that we are all anxious to see all three of you home in a week's time. You are ever in our hearts and in our prayers. Love, as always
Gail & Co.

Ivanna's uncle said...

Lovely days. Enjoy them. I must say that I was rather surprised to not even hear one mention of the heat. Have things cooled down or has A/C simply made it less of an issue?
As for the Andrews, when do they begin their process? Are they with the same organization (and thus drivers & interpreters) as you? It will be nice for you to be able to share some of your experiences, trials, and the like.
This morning the significance of the week ahead struck me. What a lot of firsts will be going on this week for you and your girl. amazing!
Speaking of which, I just had to take a break from writing this so that I could wipe the bum of my eldest. Yep, welcome to the land of parenthood.
I love you guys and look forward to enjoying more together again soon.

Ivanna's uncle said...

I love you very much Ivanna. I can't wait to meet you when you come home and I get to come and visit you. I also want you to come home safely.
I love you auntie Shona and uncle Darren.
From Misha
(& uncle jonathan)

Rob, Jenn, & Natty said...

Yeah one week from now and you will be arriving. Probably jet laged and overwhelmed but heh we will all be excited. Hope the next few days run smoothly. Have the Andrews done this before ro is this a first adoption as well? It must be really nice for them that you guys are there. Sho after all that heat you will probably be wearing a sweater for the rest of the summer feeling as though 20 is too cold. Anyway can't wait to see you guys
Luv Jenn

Alan, Michelle and Cole said...

Glad to hear things are going quite well. The Andrew's are so fortunate and will be so grateful to have you both. Your beautiful kindness and knowledge of your experiences will be invaluable. We are so excited that you and your daughter will be coming home this next week. What a blessing!!!! We love you and can hardly wait to see you and meet your little darling. Enjoy your final week in Kiev as a family. Love, M

Sam and Evelyn said...

Last Sunday indeed! The next one will be long, and no doubt stressful, but after what you have been through, anything else should be a piece of cake (chocolate of course!) Like Dorothy in Oz, you can just imagine yourselves thinking "there's no place like home" and soon you will be here.

In the meantime, enjoy what you can of Kyiv and Ivanna, between your errands and paper work. Also enjoy being able to pass on your experiences to the Andrews. Please extend our thanks to them for the delivery of your tickets.

Tonight, Eilidh was constantly mentioning Ivanna, or 'my cousin'. We are all awaiting your return counting the days and hours.

With love and best wishes,
Mom and Dad

Karmen and Kristen said...

We're so glad to hear that you had a relaxing day and were able to get some relief from the heat now that you have A/C in your flat. Hopefully that will enable you to get some better sleep this coming week in preparation for your big trip home!

It's great that you were able to spend some time with the Andrews as well. You are undoubtedly going to make their transition easier, and how nice for you to have some English-speaking companionship.

We loved Friday's pictures of Ivanna, by the way. The huge smile and joy on her face is so beautiful. What a difference you are making in each others lives already. Love you guys.