Thursday, May 24, 2007

court +9

eating - cheeks full!


After another hot morning and hot train ride, we are back in our hot apartment. Shona is in a bit of a trance on the couch. I just had a very cold shower, so my temperature is temporarily below boiling. It feels good.
We didn’t sleep particularly well last night, but I slept better than Shona. She woke up before 6 and then got up around 6:30. I got up around 7. Tanis called, and Shona had a good chat with her. It’s good to hear from home. We left around 8:30 (as usual) and got good seats on the train. Today, Shona brought a frozen bottle of water that we took turns rubbing on our bodies while sitting on the train – particularly for the 35 minutes before the train starts moving. Actually, we mostly just held it or put it against our necks, heads, tummies, or backs – and it really wasn’t too sexy at all. I imagine it looked a little weird, us handing this bottle back and forth, but likely everyone else thought it brilliant as they figured it out. It did help. Shona is a resourceful little girl guide.
Once again, Ivanna’s group was outside when we arrived, so we quickly found her and she came over for hugs and kisses. We spent some time swinging with a girl from another group. For quite a while, we appeared to be quite the hit, with 4 or 6 other kids bringing us toys, balls, grass, and/or garbage to play with. These beautiful children love attention. I pray they are given good homes. As we were pushing Ivanna and another girl on the swing, I wished we could take more children home with us. After some time, we went over to the chickens and then up to the front of the building. Ivanna was quite interested in looking through the fence at cars and people going by. I went through the gate to film her a bit and she realized there is a way out and wanted to find it (and tried to climb the fence to get out!). I was glad to see that she is interested in exploring the world outside. Boy, is she in for a shock! She is going to see more world in the next 2 weeks than she ever could have imagined.
Shona here now. We have some wonderful news. No we don’t get to pick up Ivanna early. Lesya was over at our apartment yesterday to pick up our rent for the apartment. I’m not sure if it was the fact that she was here and realized just how hot it is (it hit 29.4 this morning) or that I had made a comment that we are really enjoying ourselves but just finding the heat hard to deal with. Anyway, about 2 hours later we got a phone call from her to tell us the owners were going to put in air conditioning and would we mind being out of the apartment for a few hours on Saturday (she had told us when she was here that they had talked about putting air in before but thought the weather this year wouldn’t be too hot so had decided to wait – I guess she persuaded them to do it now!). So I think we will make ourselves scarce for a while Saturday! We are pretty excited at the prospect of having a bit of a sanctuary from the heat (and won’t have to resort to camping out at the Andrews apartment that will have air). Hopefully we’ll sleep better with the temperature a little cooler. Oh ya. I almost forgot our other news from Lesya. She told us that Monday is yet another holiday here, so…yes that means it will be one more day until we can pick Ivanna up. We will do a fair amount of running around on Tuesday and Wednesday, so we may not pick her up until Wednesday. A bit disappointing but it probably is better for her to carry on with her usual routine than to drive all over the place and spend the days sitting in a car. We’re doing okay with this news and are really looking forward to getting the official papers that say we are her parents – even if we can’t quite pick her up yet. We will be thrilled whatever day it ends up being that we can bring her home to the apartment with us. Knowing it is so close makes it easier to take.
Later… a short nap, then the air conditioning unit was delivered. Oh we are plenty excited about that - just imagine how excited we'll be when it is installed!


Val said...

Yay! T-minus two days to air conditioning! The forecast for Kyiv suggests that you're going to need it, too. (At least you're not going to be affected by the MacKenzie luck which would have a cold front roll in while the air was being installed.) Hopefully the 'imagine silky coolness' words and cold showers will keep you going until it's up and running.

It's too bad that you won't get to pick up Ivanna sooner, but you're probably right that it will be easier for her to have some routine for a couple more days, especially if you have lots of running around to do in the car.
Less than 10 sleeps left in your apartment now until you're on your way home!

Lots of love and hugs to all three of you.

Gail said...

I'm sure there was one day a couple of weeks ago that we had Spring, so if you don't mind sharing, please bring a little - just a little - of that heat home with you.
You are really wise to leave Ivanna to her routine while you run errands. Two year olds are notoriously impatient outside of their routines as you have undoubtedly discovered. If Ivanna runs out of steam or is overwhelmed by the demands of your mission you will not have as productive a day as you need it to be. We are all looking sooo forward to having the three of you home. It won't be long now. Have a good weekend and enjoy your A/C.
Love, Gail

Ivanna's uncle said...

Sweet comforting A/C!!
There has been no risk of needing that here, but the days will come, I know.
I can hardly believe that tomorrow should mark your final train ride out there...true? Wow. I know that time must be dragging at times, but still, it is pretty amazing that you are at this stage now. Can you believe that you are in Kyiv, and you have a little girl, and that you are going to be bringing her home in just over a week, and ... am I starting to sound like Tanis?
Suffice it to say that it is all very exciting and surreal.
Time to supervise my students. They're working on prepping our chapel/assembly presentation.
love you guys.
PS. Darren, are you interested in playing on June 17 at Lakeview? It is Father's Day. Cool.

Carala said...

A/C? Here in Calgary it's called SNOW! Yes, SNOW! We had a huge blanket of snow in our yards and on our houses over feels like the middle of winter. I pulled out the winter jackets AGAIN....I'm tired of washing them thinking winter is over. So much for wishful thinking. :-) And so much for my soccer game tonight...though playing in the snow would be a lot of fun.

Wow, you impress me with your patience. Wednesday will be here before you know it. Just keep holding on. Enjoy your last days in Kiev! I am glad to here you are getting A/C....what a nice treat! I'd send you some snow via the blog if I could...seeing Ivanna in her underwear and shirtless made me want to do anything to make her cool again. Though she looked pretty happy being outside despite the heat. She is going to LOVE camping!

Must run...nap time.


jaggiest said...

So... I have no idea how you guys have been surviving in 29 degree weather in your apartment. If it gets to like 23 in our house, I start punching walls and screaming gibberish as my brain overheats. By the time it's about 21, I'm permanently in shorts (displaying my newly-risen muffintop.)

To get this straight... you guys have taken 2 months off to fly halfway around the world, change your life entirely, spent God-knows-what on the whole process... and yet you are still balking at 80 cents an hour for air conditioning in the dungeon?!

Please find enclosed a Western Union wire transfer for $11. This should cover the 16 hours of daytime cool which you desperately need. Play some CounterStrike or Rogue Squadron or something. :)

I agree that leaving her to her "bidness" is a good idea. We were all children once, and we all have the memories of being dragged around on the most BORING errands ever.

Wednesday can't come soon enough. I have more hugs for the 3 of you than you can shake a sweaty stick at.

Love you guys! Take care of each other--you're in the home stretch.

Sam and Evelyn said...

Makes all kind of sense to leave Ivanna to her usual routine when you are running around, even tho' you might want to have her with you. However you will soon have her 24/7 so this is just one more little bump along the road. I presume that you will then have another train trip or 2 to visit her in the meantime. Oh well, just more opportunity for interesting experiences!

Shower last night was a roaring success, and in true Shona tradition there was chocolate, and excessive amounts of food!

Love to all of you,
Mom and Dad