Thursday, April 19, 2007

We're here and have someone to meet tomorrow...

First things first, we have had our appointment this morning and were presented with one child: a little blond-haired, dark-eyed, chubby-cheeked, healthy 21 month-old girl. We are still in joyful shock. When asked if we wanted to meet her, it was really one of the easiest choices we've made. We expect to meet her tomorrow after we pick Jonathan up. Yes, she lives close to Kyiv. So, we'll be staying put for a while. It seems that many prayers have been answered.

Now, let's jump back a bit...
Travelling this far is a little bit of a challenge to the system. Generally the travel went well. We had a brief stop in Winnipeg and a slightly longer one in Toronto - which both went fine. Mostly, Darren wandered around and Shona read her book! The overnight flight was also fine. I (shona) slept a little for a few hours, Darren only slept for a few minutes. Arriving in Frankfurt we were greeted by thousands of people crammed into a relatively small ''connection center'' surrounded by the lovely scent of cigarette smoke. We are very thankful for the smoking laws in Canada! Frankfurt had very few places to sit and rest and seemed poorly organized. We managed to find our gate and a place to sit at a table. I grabbed a few more winks of sleep (getting a nice wrinkle on my face from my jacket) and Darren read the paper. Our plane arrived late and thus left late - so we had many more lovely minutes waiting there. On arrival in Kyiv, we managed to get through passport control (no smiles from the officer there!), gather our luggage (it all made it fine) and get through customs with relative ease. Lesya and Irina (our facilitators) met us there. They took us directly to our appartment which is in a very nice area, with this Internet Cafe, grocery, bakery (very important!) and money exchangers close by. The drive here was an adventure. With lots of traffic, our driver was 'creative'. We thought sidewalks were for pedestrians and lane markers were to divide cars going different directions. We are learning new things.
Our appartment is nice - it has 2 main rooms (1 bedroom and living room + kitchen and bathroom) and has recently been updated. We will be very comfortable there. On arrival we settled in and Shona crashed for a few hours. Darren watched BBC newsworld and somehow managed to stay awake. Unfortunately we missed the opportunity to email and blog as the Cafe closed at 7 - just before Darren got there. (We appologize to those of you who were anxious to hear from us. We'll try not to do that again!) On returning home, we had a minor crisis as the door lock wouldn't open and Darren was locked out and I was locked in for several minutes. How to get the adrenaline rush in 1 easy step. Eventually I did something right and the door opened. We crashed early and slept poorly - with both of us awake for several hours in the middle of the night. The rest of today (our appointment was at 10AM), we'll spend doing some food shopping and relaxing at the apartment.


Karmen and Kristen said...
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Karmen and Kristen said...

Hi Darren and Shona. Kristen here. I rushed to the computer this morning to see if there was news from you, without getting my expectations too high because I figured you may not have easy access to the internet. How wonderful it was to read your blog entry today!! You have been in my thoughts and prayers so much. It seemed as though God kept bringing you to mind yesterday and during the night here, so I would stop and pray for you, especially knowing what a big day today would be. I can't tell you how happy I am to hear about your appointment and the opportunity you have to meet this little girl! Karmen and I will keep all three of you in our prayers as you continue on this journey. We love you.

Jen said...

I am so excited for you guys! You are in my thoughts and prayers everyday. You deserve for this part of the journey to go smoothly! I look forward to hearing how the adventure unfolds. Good luck. I miss you.

Val said...

Like Kristen, I rushed to check your blog this morning. I think everyone who knows you spent yesterday on pins and needles thinking about what you were doing and how things were going for you. What fabulous, exciting news this was to wake up to! I'm so glad things are going smoothly and pray for a joyful reunion with Jonathan and meeting with the little girl tomorrow. I'll be anxiously awaiting more updates and look forward to hearing more. Lots of love and hugs.

Rob, Jenn, & Natty said...

We too couldn't get to the computer fast enough this morning. Congratulations! We are both very excited, and will be listening with anticipation.
Good Luck
Rob & Jenn

Unknown said...


Krista had the computer open even before I was out of bed.

We look forward to hearing the rest of the adventure.

I hear that Kendalina is a good name.

mike and fran said...

Hey there! We just heard from Tanis...wonderful! It really does sound like a match made in heaven and we are so excited for you. We look forward to hearing more. It is so neat that you won't have to be parading around the Ukraine and can enjoy the delights of Kiev. I know you must be going crazy with anticipation and looking forward to Jonathan's arrival as well. We just want you to know we are hoping and praying that all goes as well in the next few weeks.
God Bless!
Mike and Fran

Neil and Lib said...

What joy to hear the exciting news about this little girl you will meet tomorrow. We are so happy that this first decision was clear and we'll keep praying that when you meet her it will be just as clear. We love you.

Jen, Roger & Ben said...

Hello Darren & Shona (and J.P. too), we're delighted to hear your news. How exciting! Please know that our prayers are with you. We can't wait to see you in sunny Saskatoon!

lecia,brendan,sabrina, &jessica said...

Oh hurray!!
We are very excited for you. Can't wait to hear more. God is so good. We're just about vibrating with enthusiasm. (Especially S & J...) We are praying and hoping!!
I think my mind is on both Saskatoon AND Kyiv time....we really enjoy reading and hearing about ALL of your adventures.
We're with you in spirit.
Lots of love and hugs to you (and Jonathan too).

Sam and Evelyn said...

I am obviously not too adept at this blogging business, since I managed to post my comments with yesterday's! Also, wanted to let you know that the blanket/quilt is finished, and at least one crib sheet is nearly done. Again, delighted at your news and hope that all goes well tomorrow. Awaiting further news

With love and best wishes.

Gloria said...

We are so excited for you! God is so good! Our prayers and thoughts will continue with you.

Jerry and Gloria

Unknown said...

Hi guys,
Wow, what exciting news. We are continually praying for all of you- all three that is. We are so excited to hear about your appointment tomorrow. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. We LOVE you!

Tanis said...

Words cannot express the joy... We were leaping and laughing and crying. I was able to tell Jonathan because he called from Toronto. He knows that he will likely be going straight to the orphanage. It is hard to be here. Everyone I talked is feeling the same way. We want to be with you to celebrate. We hope your meeting with her goes well. Our hearts and prayers are with you. Pass love to Jonathan for me and the boys. Thanks for the flowers!

jaggiest said...

Boo yah! :)

Good to hear the great news. Send us a phone number already. :)

Brenda said...

Oh, how exciting that God has choosen this little one just for has been the plan since she was born. Blonde and chubby cheeked just like her "Daddy".

I will pray that all goes well as you meet for the first time in person tomorrow.

Brenda England (or should I use the Ukrainian names: BABA/Brenda Ochitwa)

ken and teresa said...

Hello Shona and Darren. All the family are delighted with your wonderful news and send their love
we are thinking of you both and will keep up to date with your news.
With our love