Friday, April 20, 2007

Our meeting...

Well, today has been quite a day. We only have a few minutes until the internet cafe closes so this may be brief. We picked up Jonathan today - what a blessing it is to have him here! (although he was late!!!) No big deal really. He did arrive safely, but had a crazy landing as it is really windy today. We then went directly to pick up our translator and then out to the orphanage. It took about an hour to get there from the airport - lots of traffic (but no need for sidewalk driving today!). Jonathan was immediately translating for us conversations going on between our driver and translator. Our driver picked up immediately his Moscow accent. Anyway, enough of that...
The orphanage is really nice - our translator says it is one of the best in Ukraine. We went immediately to a play room where a worker brought the little girl out (we are leaving her name out until we have made the official decision to adopt her). She is darling. She has very short brown (not blond) hair and vibrant blue (not dark) eyes. So much for file information! She was very quiet and shy with us (understandably - we are complete strangers and she was in an unfamiliar room). We stayed with her for about an hour and played with a shape sorter and other toys. She likes animal cookies and gummy candies. She also really liked to draw - she had a scrap of paper and pen clutched in her hand as she came in and by the end she was drawing on the paper. We'll have to pick up some markers and drawing paper this weekend! We are both feeling stunned.

as a result, I now get to say a bit about where things seem to be at: (Jonathan here, in case you didn't get the shift..:)
Anyway, I think that they are both doing exceptionally well. What a completely bizarre experience to go through: quite surreal. I even felt like I was kind of observing it from afar, because it has taken so long to get here and is this lovely little girl before Darren and Shona. Amazing, but how does one respond to that???? The need to analyse is there but so is the need to love. What more contrary desires could there be, yet both are very important at this stage.
She really is lovely. I know that both D&S are really looking forward to actually getting to know this little wonder that has somehow stumbled into their lives. Wow!!!!
Monday is the big day of the "official" side of things. Pray. Keep them in your thoughts. We'll be picked up at 8:30 kyiv time and head out to meet the director (who is a doctor BTW) and make things ...official, at least as much as they can be at this stage of things.
For the weekend, I get my duties in order: try to help them settle in and settle down and enjoy this place. I am so fortunate to be here too.


Tanis said...

What a day you all have had. I've been so anxious to hear. Pleased to hear that the orphanage is so highly regarded. Pleased to hear that you got to take some time with her. We are praying for you as you are making this decision. You are so loved.

Val said...

Wow. How exciting, amazing, inspiring and truly awesome. Take care of one another and lean on Jonathan over the weekend. Hugs and love to all of you.

Lecia said...

Wow! SO GOOD to hear from you all.
What an adventure.
Praying for you. Must feel very surreal being there and going through the process you've been preparing for.
Lots of love and Hugs!
Lecia, Brendan, Sabrina and Jessica

Sam and Evelyn said...

Delighted and excited to hear your latest news and that things are going well. Know that our thoughts and love are very much with you all at this time. Yes, the phone number does include the country code.
Mum and Dad

Rob, Jenn, & Natty said...

Wow. I don't even know what to say. It sounds as though the experience could not be going any better. We will be prating over the weekend for both you and your child. I am happy to hear that this child is doing all the normal 21 month old activities. It sounds as though she has been blessed for her time in excellent care. Hope you are getting some rest as well. Can't wait to hear more.
Luv Jenn

jaggiest said...

I am glad that the file information was not so incorrect that they introduced you to a 44 year-old balding, sweaty ape-man. :) It sounds like the stunned feeling is consistent with potential parenthood. It pretty much never goes away. :)

Love you guys! Take care, and I'll keep up with email and the blog.

Unknown said...

I am overwhelmed with emotion. I can only imagine what you are experiencing. We are keeping you in our prayers and the decision that is before you. We love you so much. Cole wants to say hi and he is offering is "expertise" in teaching your little one English.

Neil and Lib said...

What joy to hear you've meet this little darling. Now enjoy your week-end getting to know Kyiv. We can hardly wait until you are home with your child. love and prayers, Mom and Dad

Unknown said...

Sending you love and good fortune. Don't forget to breath. Life is an adventure! Embrace it with open arms.

mike and fran said...

Both Mike and I are SOOO excited for all of you. What an incredible thing to just walk in, and have a child walk out. Of course, we are so happy that Jonathan can be a part of it as well. Anyway, we are surely thinking (and praying) about all of you and your decisions... Love from Fran and Mike

Karmen and Kristen said...

We were so glad to hear about your first meeting with this little one. Hope you are able to get some good rest this weekend and enjoy Kyiv.

Brent & Karen & kids said...

We feel very privileged to be able to follow your journey. Thank you for allowing us to do this. Life is so amazing. God never ceases to amaze me. You can see how he works out all the details. We will continue to pray for you during this time. You will be experiencing so many emotions & things no one else can understand. God bless all of you!!!!!

kathryn said...

The overwhelming feeling of being overwhlmed must be very overwhelming! They say I'm a teacher...? Thank you for keeping this blog, it is wonderful to be able to read and live this time with you. Enjoy each other this weekend. Please feel our every great hope.

lots of love Kath

Nevada said...

How wonderful for you guys! I met an orphan for the first time just recently, and wow...What you are doing is going to make all the difference in the world to this little one! I hope everything keeps going well, and we'll keep praying for your growing family.

Carala said...

Hey guys!

We've been thinking of you and anxiously waiting to hear that you left for the Ukraine. Elizabeth forwarded your blog info through my mom this morning so we jumped on right away!! So exciting! I'm finding it hard to share what my heart is feeling for you, cause it's so overwhelming! Just know we are praying for you and the decision you need to make. That God will give you an amazing unconditional love for the child you choose. We know these days will not be forgotten. Enjoy this amazing time and gift God has given.