Thursday, March 8, 2007

an appointment...

It appears that we have an appointment at the SDA (adoption centre) in Kyiv on April 19. I say 'appears' because it is not yet official. After months of submitting and resubmitting documents, I am not quite sure what official means any more. We are trying to keep our hope a bit guarded, but have nonetheless gone ahead and booked (changeable) flights for us and Jonathan (Darren's brother) -- who will be accompanying us for the first few days of our trip. We're expecting Jonathan to help us get a bit of comfort with Eastern-European living, provide support, language help, and some fun, and generally, keep us from freaking out too much. (let's be honest, there will be some freaking out on both Shona's and my parts, on a pretty regular basis)
Shona has been filling a small book with lists of things to do and get before we leave. I'm not sure if she is aware of our luggage weight limits. Ah well, it gives us something to do while we wait; something to which we have almost grown accustomed. The prospect that our waiting may soon have a positive end is almost unbearably exciting and terrifying at the same time.


Grandpa Steve said...

Ah, found you. We will be praying for peace and success.

Sam and Evelyn said...

We have been following your travels yesterday in our thoughts and prayers each step of the way. Hope you arrived safely and all is well. Wishing you a good sleep tonight, and a wonderful decision tomorrow. with love...

Sandi said...

What an exciting time for you both! We hope and pray that all goes well. We are looking forward to meeting the newest family member!

Tanis said...

Hi you two. Welcome to Kyiv. We have been thinking about you and praying for you in your travels. We hope for a good appointment tomorrow. We will be praying for you and that little one. We anxiously await news.

I love you.


Val said...

We are with you in thought and spirit every step of this adventure. Hopefully your journey yesterday went well and you get comfortably settled in and can sleep a little tonight. We hope your appointment goes really well tomorrow and eagerly anticipate hearing your news.

We love you so much!
Val, Jason, Eilidh, and Will

Neil and Lib said...

Were so excited to hear how things are going now that you've arrived in Kyiv. May God give you peace and guidance through every today. We love you!

jaggiest said...

Hey hey! Time for some cabbage rolls! Hope everything is going well. I imagine the jet lag is fairly miserable presently, so hopefully you guys can manage to stay up until the sun goes down. Things are good in Vancouver and I will be returning home on Thursday. Looking forward to hearing about your exploits in Ukraine!

Krista said...

Both Kendal and I found ourselves lying awake in the middle of the night last night, probably around the time that you were arriving in Kyiv. You were definately on our hearts and in our prayers! We miss you already, and can't wait to hear more news.

Love, Krista

Lecia said...

You have been on our minds a lot. We're eager to hear of all your adventures. Praying you through tomorrow's appointments.
Love you lots.

Lecia & the girls

Rob, Jenn, & Natty said...

Well it is 4am there and I am wondering if you are sleeping at all. We are pretty excited to wake up tomorrow and see what is on this site. Rob checked today and came to wake me up saying 'they haven't posted yet!' Hope the day goes well and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Luv Jenn

Darren said...

Hey you guys
How exciting and crazy for you both. We are praying for you tonight, and hope that all goes very well.
Darren and Sherryl

Sam and Evelyn said...

Glad to hear your news. Hoping that tomorrow goes well, along with the rest of your time there, and your return home.

Love and best wishes

Christy said...

I woke up early this morning and spent some time praying for you and your little dolly. Our hugs, best wishes and continued prayers.

Colin & Christy Z.