Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Tuesday's pics

It's really loud in here and mommy is losing it!

Playing in the orphanage entryway - arghh!
(notice the action in the background - that never stopped!)

Fun with Daddy

Cuddles with mama.


kathryn said...

So wonderful. What a sweet mouth she has. Hope she is feeling better soon.
love you guys

Val said...

Wow. There's nothing quite like a child's smile, is there? (And wonderful smiles to match on Mom and Dad, too.) I'm so glad you're getting to visit her during the May day holidays.
Stay warm, have fun, and thanks for the photos and updates.
We miss you tons and love you lots.

Carala said...

sniff sniff...sob sob... :-)

No matter how big she gets...you will always love her snuggles! Great pictures guys. Great to see her loving you both more and more.

I sat at the computer yesterday morning reading up on the 3-4 days of entries that I missed over the weekend while we were camping in the snow!(YES, snow!) I thought of you lots and couldn't wait to get back to read up on the missed events.

We will pray that her cold gets better soon and that the process continues to go smoothly!
Carala(for my boys)

Tanis said...

What a good grip around your necks she has. I was thrilled to see her smile. I'm sitting here at Lakewood library with tears running down my face. What a wonderful gift she has in being able to get to know you two over time before coming home. It is so evident that her trust in you is growing as well as her affection.

We are off to pick up Jonathan from the airport and can't wait to see more footage of you and Ivanna as well as the art you all picked out.

I love you three.


Melissa said...

So cute! I'm running out of things to say.

Karmen and Kristen said...

I have a couple messages from the kids today. Luka says, "I love you very much, Shona." (I'm sure that goes for you too, Darren, but Luka still remembers Shona's chocolate cake!) Anya, being of few words, simply says, "Hi Ivanna" while waving frantically at today's photos.

So glad you were able to see your little girl today and share her precious smile with us for the first time!

Rochelle and Jim said...

She's adorable and precious, just like her parents. We're thinking of you guys constantly. Love you bunches.

Unknown said...

Oh the snuggles! I love the pictures. We love you. We're thinking of you constantly and praying for you.

Rob, Jenn, & Natty said...

Oh I loved the smiles. She looks so gorgeous. It is such a huge warm smile. I'm glad they let you in to see her today. So the pictures sure made me weepy. Can't wait to see you guys.
Luv Jenn

Alan, Michelle and Cole said...

Amazing!!! You can just see the love in her eyes and in yours. What a gift it is to see this unfolding. Cole is just full of questions. We were driving home from soccer and he said "Mom tell me more about the little girl from...you know where?" Our entire family is glued to your blog. Take care of each other and we will be praying that Ivanna is feeling better soon. Miss you and love you tons!! (My Kleenex bill has gone way up, I mean way up :)

mike and fran said...

Between your eyes and Ivanna's, I don't think you can miss much! Amazing how alike they seem already. Funny how that wind in May seems NOT be be bringing warmth--I have put away all the mitts and gloves, etc., but tonight on a walk, I was thinking that perhaps it was a little soon. We do have forsythia in bloom ("spring welcoming flowers" in Chinese), and some very brave crocuses.

Hey, the big news from Spruce Grove is that our house sold last night in a bidding war! Can you believe $380,100!!!! For a 3-bedroom box! In Spruce Grove! The inspection is on Saturday, so I pray that nothing dreadful is discovered. Our realtor was more excited than we were if that is possible.

So, hang in there both of you--as Tanis can attest, eventually the "snot" does run out (not literally), and you will be back to having a dripless kid. Interesting that she probably sleeps in a bed already. It will be very interesting to talk to the caregivers.

When you talk about the kids coming down in groups--how many children are at the orphanage?

Loved from us...

Debbie and Dason said...

Wow, As I read all of your posts, more and more tears roll down my cheeks - we are so thrilled for you guys! She is beautiful and you can clearly see her love and trust in you two! We are praying for you and thinking of you guys!