Tuesday, April 24, 2007

a bit more...

Jonathan and I (Darren) are at the internet spot with a cd full of words and pictures. Alas, the computers don't have cd-rom drives. So, I guess I don't have much more for you except, we bought diapers today...

So it is turned over to me (jonathan) because I generally don't lack for words.
Ok, I actually do have a few things to add. First of all is that I recognize what a privileged position I am in and figured that many of you might like to know what it has been like to be watching D&S go through this experience. It has been great. Really amazing. For each of you who already have children of your own, then you know the emotions of seeing a child brought into this world and into your arms and into your family. It seems to me that D&S are experiencing those same emotions: the joy, the fear, the uncertainty, the general awe that goes along with such an...awesome experience. I have been videotaping some of the moments and look forward to sharing those with many of you when I get back to Canada, but for now I'd say that you likely have a good idea of what they are feeling. The experience? somewhat different from a hospital birth, but the experience of welcoming a child into a family seems to me to be pretty much the same. It is beautiful.
I promise that we'll get some pictures online ASAP, but as those of you that have traveled to other cultures know: sometimes things don't go as smoothly as one might hope. We figure though, that if this is the most significant challenge, then wow!
For now we're heading back to the flat for my special lasagna (fried salami, roasted zucchini, lecho, and lavash). cheers.


Val said...

Thanks for the update Jonathan. We are so grateful you are there with them.
Sho and Darren: It's time to change the name of your blog! :D

Alan, Michelle and Cole said...

It is an amazing gift that you are giving and receiving as you support and witness Darren, Sho and Ivanna becoming a family. We are so very grateful that you are there with them. Thank you for your updates and congratulations on being an uncle again. Love you all.

Maria Payne said...

Dear Shona and Darren: I have been so blessed by reading about your amazing journey into parenthood. I will continue to pray for you as you connect with Ivanna and prepare for the next steps. We are praising God with you all. love Maria, Ben and Jamie Payne

Brenda said...

Shona and Darren
Wow, you are parents. The labour is over and God has delivered a precious little girl.
I love her name.
I am rejoicing with you!

TamaraG said...

I was so excited to hear from Rochelle about your trip to the Ukraine to adopt a child. How wonderful! I will be praying for all three of you during this time of adjustment and as you learn more about each other each day.


Neil and Lib said...

Once again we are filled up with joy as we picture the events of this day. Thanks Jonathan for sharing your perspective. We'll look forward to pictures on your return if the web connection doesn't get working. Can hardly wait to see her! Love to you from the Nana/Baba of 5.

Gail said...

Your courage, perseverence and capacity to love have brought you and your daughter to a place in your lives you would once never have imagined. Ivanna is truly blessed to have you as her parents and you are blessed by her safe delivery to you. Congratulations. Jonathan, you're amazing!! We will continue our daily pilgrimages to your blogsite until you are all safely home. God's speed. All our love ~ Gail, Tyler, Scott, Tannis, Graham and Austin