Monday, May 7, 2007

wifi blues continue...

So we have just tried 4 different places to connect to the internet (Mario's, Shokoladnitsa, and 2 Coffee Houses). None of them worked today. ARGHHHH!!!!!!!
So we are back to the dungeon and here I go re-typing what we wrote earlier today...

D - After a lovely evening yesterday, we both slept quite well, although we woke up a bit early. We drove out to Boyarka with Vadim and Slava, so that she could pick up another document for us. Shona and I had our time wiht Ivanna a bit earlier today. She seemed a bit sleepier and more reserved than normal at the beginning of our time together. However, after a little while we were ripping around the playroom on the car and then being led down the hall to say 'hi' to the fish, investigate the room behind an open door (she is definately very curious!), and downstairs to the foyer. I was a bit surprised that she wanted to go down there, but she was interested in looking at a few things there with us. Also (I'm not sure if I am projecting my own introversion here or not), she seemed to want to get out of the playroom when other parents and children arrived. Although I am looking forward to Ivanna talking more, I will not complain about a daughter who likes peace and quiet!
After a somewhat soporific ride back to Kyiv to deliver the document to the SDA, Shona and I arrived home. I was hoping to hear about a court date, but Slava just said that she'd call later tonight to tell us whether she needed to come again tomorrow to get yet another document. I guess we'll see (patience, more patience). Upon arriving home we were both ready for a nap, but figured (jonathan, you should be proud of us) we ought to get out and about. So, we headed for our shawarma guy and then bought groceries. Now, Shona is baking cookies (S - attempting anyway -- different ingredients, gas oven without a temperature gauge, no bowls or measuring devices -- make for different cookies!!) and I just finished doing a little work on a paper.
Shona here now, after reading through what Darren wrote and adding my 2 cents and a few exclamation marks.
We don't know if you've been able to tell or not, but over the past few days we've been having a bit tougher time. We are approaching what we had expected to be our halfway point (and in all reality, we have hopefully passed that point already -- if our flights can be changed), but it is still hard to be so far from home, from all things familiar and from people that we love. We know that the process is going extremely well here and that we have much for which to be thankful and we are trying to focus on that. News of our court date will help I'm sure. We are now expecting it to be on Thursday (unless we hear otherwise from Slava tonight). We did tell ourselves not to really hope for Tuesday - but apparently we were. Anyway - on a slightly more positive note, we have just finished our supper (we bought a chicken from the vendor across the street, made a tomato/pepper sauce and had bread with it - it was good (Jonathan: somehow it lacked a little without your presence, but we still managed to actually prepare a meal!) ). Somehow, I have lucked out in that it was Darren's turn to do dishes - and I made quite a mess with my baking and dinner prep. Things are status quo if I am making messes and Darren is cleaning! We plan to head out for dessert (so much for that!!!!!) this evening to post the blog (trying to maintain all your addictions by not giving you your fix FIRST thing in the morning every day!) We hope you all are well. We wanted to be sure you all know that we SO appreciate all your comments and emails and really do enjoy hearing about what's going on in your lives back home - so please continue to share! :)
PS - Did everone read Tanis' comments on yesterday's blog? I have to admit Darren was concerned for my ability to remain continent as we read it and laughed heartily out loud (in the middle of Shokoladnitsa - getting a few funny looks). We hope you had a good chuckle too. It is good to laugh.


Val said...

Regarding Misha's assessment of the Shevchenko statue (which made me smile, too), I think he might be on to something if importance is correlated with size. It took me three or four viewings before I saw the little person sitting at its base and got the perspective.

So here we are at more or less the half-way point of your journey (or potentially even past it). Sho, you can just think of it like you did with your Wednesday "hump days". The rest of the week would go by and the weekend always did come. Though you may be feeling down and like the days are dragging by, 'keep your chins up' and remember, 'this too shall pass' (a couple of Dad-isms for you). Also, make sure you get some naps. Naps are good. (I think that's a Shona-ism). If all else fails, you can turn to Homer Simpson for advice: "Do it for her". (I actually tear up watching that Simpsons episode.) :)

It actually sounds like the two of you are making it through this process together like a couple of champions considering the enormous emotional investment involved. I think you have inspired many people (myself included) with your strength and perseverance and love, as individuals shoring each other up, and as a couple.

I hope you managed to get some news about the court date and are sleeping well tonight. I'll be looking forward to a posting tomorrow (as I do every day), but if you continue to have wifi problems, try not to let them get you down. It's been wonderful to be able to connect with you electronically, but even if things aren't working quite right, remember that everyone here has you three right beside us in our thoughts and prayers.

We love you lots. Great big hugs to both of you and our lovely little niece.

Christy said...

I can imagine how dis-heartening it is to be aiming for Tuesday and then get Thursday - a day must seem like an eternity when you're away from home, so 2 must seem so much worse. You guys have hidden your discouragement so well, and if your blogs are any indication of how well you're doing, I'm in awe. Seriously. I may develop an ulcer for you! :o)

We're continuing to pray for this court date - that God will bless that day with a flawless process and unexpected movements forward.

Michelle & I were marvelling last weekend how transparent you guys have been through this whole process via the blog. *Thank you* for including all the folks back home in this very personal process. It enables us to pray more specifically and to follow this amazing journey from God.

Dave and Hilda said...

Hi There,
it is confirmed that I am severely technologically challenged after various attempts to post blogs to you ... all sent back with errors! That explains why you haven't heard much from us, but we have been reading the blog and continuing to think and pray for you as the waiting game continues. We are just back from a wee trip to Edinburgh...It is still as beautiful as ever, were thinking of you! Sounds like you are feeling far from home, but you know it is so wonderful for us to be able to read this and remember you and pray for you and you are much loved!! hang in there! H.

mike and fran said...

Hi there, Mike and I are at Libby and Neil's for dinner tonight--another spoil for us. We arrived in time for lunch at Tanis's, OUTSIDE! Then we had a little painting and sink "putting in" at the condo. We are officially homeless as our inspection passed muster! Anyway, we continue to think that God is blessing you incredibly, cold and all, and that those pink shoes (not pink shoelaces) are awesome. Lucky gal! Take care, and love to Ivanna. My mother would say the same as your dad, Shona, "This too shall pass"...Enjoy this time together. Love from us...

Sam and Evelyn said...

First, I want to second Val's comments. She said it all so well.

We also want to wish that you manage to have a super anniversary day today (May 8th), with good news to go along with a great dinner, and perhaps just a touch of chocolate for dessert. A bottle of great wine would be in order too.

Hope that your health (both Darren and Ivanna's)is improving, and that difficult breathing, red noses and other assorted ailments are soon no more.

Know that we love you and you are constantly in our prayers and thoughts,

Gail said...

You have shared so many private moments with all of us on this journey for Ivanna. I hear the tiredness in your (blog) voices and sense that you have become disheartened by progress at a snail's pace, document by document, hour by hour. It will soon be over.

You two can't begin to know what an inspiration you have been for those of us watching - also at too great a distance. We are in awe. You embarked on a mission driven by faith, love and promise and despite the apparent endlessness of the process, you are closer today than you were yesterday to bringing your daughter home - soon. My heart is not alone in feeling so full of pride and admiration for you and all you have done. You must feel it seeping out of every comment and every note from every one.

I thought your 9th anniversary was May 9th but what's one day more or less in the grand scheme of things. Happy Anniversary! Celebrate with somethng chocolate and follow it up with a nice dessert. A nice wine seems like a pleasant way to round out your celebration dinner. Keep in mind that all of these weeks you have spent at close quarters together is nothing more than training for retirement. Now you know why mandatory retirement has been abolished in SK.
Take care of one another and keep your eye on the prize - 3 airline tickts and a trip home. Luvya so much. Always ~ Gail & Co.

Sam and Evelyn said...


Happy anniversary on Wednesday the 9th! My head just isn't working right. I still hope that you got good news today re: court date, etc.

Love to all,