Tuesday, May 8, 2007

delays, frustrations, & disappointments...

Frustrated. That is what we are, what we feel. Our documents and paperwork are all in order and we went to the Judge today to find out our court date (after spending several hours – which is always fun – waiting in the car while Slava got documents from a couple of different places). Unfortunately, when we were at our last stop, the court, Slava came back to the car to tell us there is a problem. The Judge has left the court suddenly, today, due to her father passing away. He lived outside of Kyiv somewhere so we don’t know exactly when she’ll be back. Slava is hoping that she’ll be back at work on Friday so we can get a court date for Monday, but at this point we are expecting our court date won’t be before Tuesday (and maybe later). The worst part of all this is it’s no ones fault and there is absolutely nothing that can be done. She is the only judge that deals with adoptions in the Kyiv region so we must wait. Slava was obviously frustrated as well. Darren is disappointed. Perhaps we haven’t learned our patience lesson well enough yet. I’m trying to focus on the positives and to have some sympathy for the judge as the reason for this (what we consider to be terribly inconvenient and difficult) delay is due to the fact that her father has died. In the grand scheme of things, it is I’m sure, a small blip. We will survive and this too, shall pass. We will, however, be relying especially on all our prayer warriors at home and around the world to carry us through this. So it looks like if our court is (hopefully – we should know for sure on either Friday or Monday) on Tuesday May 15th, then we think we would get to take Ivanna out of the orphanage Friday May 25th and our flights home on the 30th should work ok (barring any more delays which, you never know, just may occur). They do need a couple of days after she ‘gets out’ to get her passport and visa ready. If we can still make it home on the 30th – we will be VERY thankful. Another positive is that we should be able to meet up with another Canadian couple who have been in contact with us and are arriving in Kyiv on the 26th of May. We should be able to show them a few important places (shawarma guy, internet places etc…), introduce them to the city and metro, and most importantly to Mario’s and Shokoladnitsa! :) Hopefully they won’t be staying too far away from us (although we really are pretty comfortable getting around now) – we’ll have to find out from Lesya (I think that she was actually hoping we’d be all done and gone by the time they arrived so that they could stay here!). Maybe we can pass on some of the things that Jonathan taught us to help them make it through. We don’t have any other exciting news and I seem to be out of positives to focus on. I will have to try to brainstorm some more. I’m going to try to woo Darren outside (after a cloudy and cool morning it has turned into a lovely afternoon) to see if we can still do something positive with the day.
Later…naps won out instead of getting out and about.
(D)We’re now at Mario's, the wi-fi is working and the sky is beautiful and clear blue. There are always a few more positives.


Rob, Jenn, & Natty said...

I am so sorry to hear about the delays. We will be praying more than ever. The pictures of today look great. They fill our daily addiction. The other Canadian couple will probably be thrilled that you are still there to help them settle in as they probably have no Jonathon. Try and keep your spirits high and focus on your gorgeous girl. We'll be thinking about you lots.
Luv Jenn

Alan, Michelle and Cole said...

My dear friends, I am so sorry that these delays are happening. It must be so very frustrating. We are praying for increased strength and patience as this process continues to unfold. You both have been doing amazingly well as you've faced so many challenges with such grace. Be gentle on yourselves. Give yourselves permission to be frustrated and disappointed. Then my advice is to find a nice restaurant and have a huge piece of chocolate cake:) Seriously though, don't be hard on yourselves, you continue to amaze me and so many others. We love you all so very much and we're sending you our unfailing support. We will be praying that the judge will return quickly and the process will resume without any more distractions or delays. Talk to you soon.

jaggiest said...

BAH! That sucks. :(

It seems like the fates have dealt our clan a bit of a bum hand on an annoying Monday. This is a bit of a time setback, but the good news is you still have the same amount of days (that is, the rest of your lives) to spend with Ivanna. All that changes is that you are in the Ukraine (her birth land) for a little longer. Soak up the atmosphere, the culture, the *feel* of the place so that when she asks you about it (and she will!) you can tell her all about it.

I am fervently hoping that all goes smoothly from here on out. I hope you won't have to change your reservations, but if you do, it's just a matter of a few days, and as you said--this is no one's fault. I for one am very thankful that we are not dealing with that judge's problem instead of a week's setback.

Although things are rough at work for me right now, and things are currently a little delayed for you in the Ukraine, we shouldn't lose sight of the fact that we are *lucky to have the opportunity for things to go wrong.* Things going wrong for us are only in contrast to how wonderful our lives are, and how truly blessed we are to live where we do with the (expanding!) families we have. So please see this as a bump in the road and not the end of it! :)

I love you guys. I hope that things shape up. Take care of each other!

jaggiest said...

And--the biggest of hugs to all 3 of you! How I forgot to throw some hugs your ways I have no idea.

Val said...

I was putting some thoughts together when I previewed my post and saw that Jason has managed to encapsulate everything I wanted to say much more eloquently than I did, so I'll let him speak for both of us. Trust that you WILL get through this together. The key is to just remember Ivanna.

Love and great big hugs to all of you.

Val said...

PS. For anyone who saw JP's post about the shower this weekend, it is my understanding that that shower is being organized by Libby primarily for people who know S&D through the church. (Please correct me if I'm wrong, Libby!) There will be another shower for family and friends on one of the two following weekends. Specific time/date TBA. (Maybe JP could post something to the main page in case people aren't reading all of the comments.)

Melissa said...

Sorry about the frustrations and delays. It is very unfortunate that there is only 1 judge, but you know that things are in God's hands and it will work out. I hope you are able to continue to spend quality time with Ivanna. She seems so wonderful and comfortable with the both of you. What a blessing!

Gail said...

Amen Jason!

Perhaps this is small comfort but it may be that you were intended to remain longer in order to ease the Canadian couple into their own process. If you beome their Jonathan, what a great compliment to you. Breathe!

Let the sun shine warm on your face and believe that you are where God intends you to be. Tough sell? I know! We'll wait with you.

Hugs, kisses and LOVE to all three of you Gail & Co.

Carala said...

We're all praying for you guys, that you don't need to worry about! God knows what he's doing and you just need to trust Him ultimately.

I can't imagine how frustrating it would be to get such news...I like that fact that you guys hoped for the best in getting an early court date though. That's a wonderful thing to pass onto Ivanna. Parents who hope for the best in life, teach their kids to never settle for second best. Keep that hope alive during the next few weeks and you will see something amazing come out of that, IVANNA!

You're in our thoughts and prayers...Carala(for all my boys)

ps...Trennon and Ryden love looking at the pictures and think Ivanna is cute!

Kevin & Carla said...

we've got your back in prayers...love you 3 so much. All of this will work out...it has so far been a amzing time for you. Enjoy your time with Ivanna- and now she can really get over her cold!!!!

Jen said...

I am sorry to hear that the smooth journey has hit a snag. It is easier said than done but try to stay positive - it will happen. I am just grateful that the snag has nothing to do with Ivanna's papers,the Ukrainian government changing policies at the last minute or that the Canadian government has sent word that you - Shona - have indeed turned out to be the criminal with suspicious fingerprints that they thought you were! In the grand scheme of all the possible delays you have encountered on this journey - while frustrating to say the least - it has been worse. Like others have said - use the extra time to continue getting to know your daughter - no matter what the surroundings. This time with her is a gift no matter where you spend it! You have my love, my support and my prayers. Keep taking it one day at a time and one day soon - you will be on a plane home to a city filled with people who love you and want nothing but happiness for you as you start your lives as a family.
I'll miss you in Ponoka!
Love, Jen

jaggiest said...

Happy 9th anniversary you two! :)


Unknown said...

Yeah, I hate the waiting game too. You guys are handling it WAY more gracefully than I would have. (Insane screaming tantrum...that would have been my choice). But yes, I agree with Jason, better to have this kind of delay than to be in the judge's shoes. So, I'm sure when we all read your blog we contributed to a big collective "DOH!" and we all wait with you. It's apparent that everyone reading your blog is always thinking of you, praying for you, hopeful with you, frustrated along with you and sending you lots of love. Ivanna wouldn't know the difference. She just knows that you're in her life and she loves you. A few days now is a lifetime but won't seem like it when you get home. Besides, what a blessing you could be to the other Canadian couple who doesn't have a Jonathan! They must be SO scared. How could they find the necessities (like good chocolate) on their own? Our hope for you is that everything goes smoothly (and quickly) from now on. Now go see your little girl, learn from her, and soak up the time you have there now.
We're praying for you...and always checking for new pictures and news.

Unknown said...

Doh! I just saw Jason's comment. Happy anniversary. I hope you're out doing special things today to celebrate.

Val said...

Happy 9th anniversary! Must be kind of neat to be spending an anniversary in the Ukraine on VE day, especially for a history buff like Darren. I hope you're enjoying a nice meal out (accompanied by a lovely glass of vino and chocolate for dessert of course).
I love you guys.
Big hugs to you and Ivanna.

sylvia said...

Darren, Shona & Ivanna; Nearly every evening finds me sitting at the computer alternately laughing, crying and totally addicted to being a part of the amazing journey you are on! You both write well - makes me want to visit that part of the world and that's somewhere I've never before been interested in visiting. The photos are great. Thank you for sharing this roller coaster ride; the joyful and the poignant moments (the first hug; the "dada"...; - what can I say...) These words aren't communicating, adequately, how very much we love you and how we (and SO many others) are praying for you, especially these last days of waiting for the court date. Take heart. "All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well". None of these experiences will be wasted.

Auntie Sylv for all the Shepherd clan