Friday, June 1, 2007


What a day! After a lesiurely morning at the apartment, Slava and Vadim picked us up and we headed off to do a bit more process stuff. We made two brief stops and headed out to Boyarka. Upon arrival, we spoke briefly to the Italian couple we’ve gotten to know a bit at the orphanage (we think they are set to go home this week as well). We then headed upstairs and waited briefly before Ivanna was brought to us. Apparently, she had not had any lunch (as kids often get car sick leaving their orphanages). Tatianna told us that she had been sitting at the table propping her head in hands, obviously none too pleased at not getting to eat with the rest of her group. She was a bit more tentative today. She seemed to sense that something was up. Things were not as normal. She was content to snuggle with Shona for a bit. Then Shona undressed Ivanna, and while she dressed her in her new clothes, I folded up her old ones. It felt like a pretty meaningful set of actions – marking so many changes. Slava and Tatianna asked us to sign a couple of documents and then we said a quick good-bye (and slightly teary thank-you – how do you express the depth of gratitude to a person who was an integral caregiver for your daughter?) to Tatianna, who said “Ivanna is super.” We know it. We stopped to give hugs and kisses to the Italian couple and then jumped into the car and drove away. And that was it. (Sho - For us it felt way to quick and we didn’t get all we wanted as far as information and moments there – it wasn’t what I had envisioned, but sitting here now and thinking about it – I realize that it was probably better for her not to have it drawn out.) Ivanna was very alert and pretty stiff, but not visibly upset. She watched everything pretty intently – including Vadim, when he stopped to get some petrol (standing on Shona’s lap with her head out the window!). We had a very zig-zaggy (hmm. Jason, is that ‘good’?) ride back to the apartment, and Ivanna fell asleep and slept nicely for a few minutes – twitching and jerking once in a while. Shona asked me if we were sure she has none of our genetics (I twitch a lot when falling asleep). When we got back to our place, Slava told us about the plans for the next couple of days. Apparently I am going to do a bit of running around tomorrow afternoon (thankfully, Shona and Ivanna can stay at home). Then, on Friday we will go do the visa stuff at the Canadian embassy. Shona and Slava said their good-byes (since Shona won’t see her again) and we came upstairs. Ivanna woke up when the door closed, so we offered her some food. She seems to play a little game when you offer her something she is not sure about. She kind of cocks her head to one side and gives a little smile (I have the feeling she is training us here). At first, we thought it was her way of saying ‘no’. But after Shona and I both laughed several times when she did it, I offered her a taste of something else. She cocked her head at first, but when I moved the spoon closer, she tried it. Let the social learning games begin! Now, Shona and Ivanna are having a rest in the bedroom. We expect to get out to the playground a bit later, then come home for a meal prepared for us by Jonathan when he was here (we’ve been saving it in the freezer – thanks, bro). It’s hard to believe we are finally here. We feel very blessed, very thankful. Slava Bogu.
(Sho now) We keep having to go have a little peek at this amazing little girl who is our daughter and is sleeping on the bed with her arms flopped out to the side. She’s real!

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